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Author: techsupport

15/365-3 First Taste

15/365-3 First Taste

“Sunshine and Steps” Today was the first day that we have had a taste of sunshine in many days.  It is also the first day that I have ventured out for a “real” walk since before Christmas when I broke my leg.  It was so nice to get outside in some fresh, though brisk, air and get some exercise.  I so enjoyed my walk to the grocery store.  My leg was not as happy as the rest of me, but…

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14/365-3 Positive

14/365-3 Positive

‘A Positive Sign” For Christmas Weber bought a box of “Pop Open Cards.”  They are much like fortune cookies in that you open them up and each contains a different inspirational message.  I consider the one that I opened this morning as a positive sign.  A good friend from Capture Your 365 and I have begun writing a blog together.  Though we have been working on it for a little while and the first post has be out there for…

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13/365-3 A Pop of Color

13/365-3 A Pop of Color

“Brooke’s Tea Cup” A struggled with this particular prompt.  A wandered around all day looking for something white with a pop of color.  After several uninspired attempts at just photographing “something” that resulted in epic fails, I was about to give up when I turned around and spotted Brooke’s dirty tea cup on the kitchen counter.  Most of the time the fact that how the dishwasher works seems to elude my 25 year old daughter, tonight it worked to my…

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12/365-3 Frost

12/365-3 Frost

“Fire and Ice” Though it was chilly today, it was not chilly enough for frost so I had to go a different route with today’s prompt. With sincere apologies to Robert Frost, here is my silly illustration of his poem Fire and Ice. Some say the world will end in fire; Some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for…

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10/365-2 A Habit

10/365-2 A Habit

“Group Hug” Let me start by saying that this IS NOT the photo I was going for today! My intention was to photograph a hug. We do have a habit of starting and ending each day with a hug and by saying “I love you.” I am a firm believer in never saying anything that you wouldn’t want your last words to be. That said, the dog photo was a photo bomber. She quickly made herself comfortable between us, as…

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9/365-3 Multifaceted

9/365-3 Multifaceted

“Welcome Home!” As is evidenced by the fact that it is now Saturday and this is Friday;s post, I was short on time, as well as inspiration and creativity, yesterday.  There wasn’t anything really major going on, just a lot of little things that managed to eat away at t my time – mentoring, conference calls, a few chores, playing for a service last night.  It is one of those cases where the sum of the parts seems greater than…

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8/365-3 My Gear

8/365-3 My Gear

“The Write Stuff” By education and profession I am a musician (clarinetist and professor of music theory and composition). And obviously photography is a much loved hobby. But it is really the pencil that is the most important piece of gear I own. I use it to write music, to make performance markings, to take notes of all kinds, to journal, to underline important things in photography books and manuals. That pencil is truly the key to my success in…

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7/365-3 Solitude

7/365-3 Solitude

“Circles of Quiet” I am an only child.  Only children, at least those few that I have known, are content with solitude for the most part.  When I was little, I remember spending countless hours creating with my Spirograph, often when there were no neighborhood kids around with whom to play.  Its possibilities were endless, always a new design.  In all those hours, I bet I never even came close to creating the same design twice.  It was like magic…

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6/365-3 Where I Stand – January

6/365-3 Where I Stand – January

“Where I Stand Sit – January 2015″ I’m still trying to heal from my pre-Christmas “photography” injury so I am supposed to be taking it easy on my leg.  Yesterday I took down the Christmas decorations and this there was not much resting  so today was a day off of me feet…except for a little vacuuming.

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