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Author: techsupport

34/365-3 Where I Stand

34/365-3 Where I Stand

“Where I Sit” Admittedly, this photo is more about where I sit. All of my standing today was in from of my classes and thus no photos during school. By the time my teaching day was over all I wanted to do was sit down and kick my shoes off. I am notoriously bad about twisting my feet around my desk chair while I’m working. And yes, I have been known to stand up too quickly (or try) and fall…

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33/365-3 Blurred Background

33/365-3 Blurred Background

“Just Love Me” We have LOTS of books at our house and they get used often to answer questions, settle arguments, and expand our minds, but there is not a single one of them that will help anyone to understand me:-) This mug was a Valentine’s Day gift before Weber and I got married. I bought it for him as kind of a warning I guess:-

31/365-3 One Done

31/365-3 One Done

“761, 25, 31,1″ This photos marks 761 days or 25 months straight of taking a photo a day.  It is photo number 31 for the 2015.  It is also the first month where I have been successful at loading all of daily photos into the Collect app on my phone.  And, I have uploaded my photos to Persnickety Prints to have my January photos printed as Project Life cards.  I am anxiously awiting their delivery!

27/365-3 Nourishment

27/365-3 Nourishment

“Body, Mind, and Spirit” It is important to make sure body, mind, and spirit are all well-nourished.  This was taken on a beautiful 80 degree afternoon…in January!  There is something wrong with that, but I’m not complaining.

26/365-3 Movement

26/365-3 Movement

“Playing Nicely” Well, today was an epic fail all the way around – technically and creatively.  The start of the spring semester has really messed up my photo taking routine.  I decided that I better be prepared for my classes tomorrow so it was dark by the time I got to my photo.  Most nights, the cat sits and waits for the dog to round the corner and then takes a paw to her and much motion ensues.  I was…

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