A (Sappy) Romp Through the Past Year

A (Sappy) Romp Through the Past Year

So here we are beginning a new year. A few days ago, on my birthday, I said that I was not in the mood for a sappy romp through the past. Today I have changed my mind. I am a woman; changing my mind is a woman’s prerogative, isn’t it? Prerogative or not, I am about to take a look back at the highlights of 2010 in my world.

The early part of the year was calm for us though Erin was in the midst of applying to colleges. It wasn’t until spring break that things really got rolling. Fortunately by this time Erin had already been accepted to Sewanee so we didn’t have the college worries. Though Weber and I were engaged in September of 2009, it was not until March that we got serious about making wedding plans. Due to poor planning on our part, we also began the house remodel at about the same time. Spring became a time where we learned the real benefits of effective time management as we juggled making significant decisions about house plans, muddled our way through wedding plans, and finished out the school year.

June marked the first real milestone of the year. Erin graduated from high school as valedictorian of her class. .
Brooke came home to be part of the celebration despite the fact that she could only stay the weekend because she had to return to school to take her spring quarter exams. My dad also came from Delaware to be with us.

We tried very hard not to let the wedding plans overshadow Erin’s graduation. So, by the middle of June, we had one month and a lot to get done. With the help of our family and many wonderful friends, we made it.

On July 10th, Weber and I were married. The wedding was perfect.

Shortly after we returned from our honeymoon in Vermont, we added the newest member of our family, Frankie. Despite the picture below, she did not arrive in Brooke’s backpack. Frankie was a stray that our vet thought we needed.

She is an entertaining addition to our lives. It is hilarious to watch her chase the dogs and once caught gnaw on their legs like one does turkey legs at the State Fair. Frankie also loves to climb into anything that resembles a container – boxes, bags, backpacks, the dryer. She is also fascinated with water – water in the sink, water in your glass, water in the shower, water in the toilet. I suspect that if she could figure out how to manipulate the handle on the commode, she would spend the day watching the swirl of water in the bowl.

In August we took Erin to Sewanee to begin her freshman year of college. Though this was the first time in nearly twenty one years that we have not had children at home, I didn’t suffer too much with empty nest syndrome. Rather, I was stricken with Less Laundry Syndrome and Wow!, the Kitchen Looks Just Like It Did When I Went To Bed Syndrome.

The last major event of our year occurred on the 22nd and 23rd of December; Offspring No. 1 turned 21 and Offspring No. 2 turned 18. That is hard to believe. It seems like only yesterday that they were both sitting in my lap – at the same time. (Now they have to take turns.)

Offspring No. 1 doesn’t look like this anymore though with enough beer she may act like it.

Offspring No. 2 doesn’t look like this either. If only she would still let me dress her.

They graduated from lower school and middle school in the same year.

Here is what a clown looks like at 21..

And, this is Offspring No. 2 when allowed to dress herself. OK, I admit it; she is much better at hair and makeup than I am. Once you get beyond pigtails, my “cosmeticological” skills are maxed out.

I was glad to have both girls stand with me when Weber and I were married.
Our family was blessed with many joyous occasions in 2010. For that we are all incredibly grateful. We all know too many people whose lives were touched by grief and tragedy in 2010. For all that we were given and all that we were spared, our family is ever grateful.
We wish you blessings and peace in 2011.

Happy New Year!

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