A New Project

A New Project

I am officially on break now!  What a great feeling.  Though the spring semester was awesome in many ways, it had some challenges and by the time it was over, I was exhausted both physically and mentally.  I have three weeks to rest before summer school begins.

Some of you have asked about the writing deadline that I mentioned in my last post.  I was writing a short magazine article about what it is like to be a visually impaired photographer.  In the course of writing that article, I realized that I am not spending as much time with my camera as I once did and as I wish I did now.  Because I am a person who needs strict discipline to accomplish anything, I have created a new project for myself, a photography project.  My goal is to take pictures every day for the next hundred days and post one each day.  Beginning today, this will take until August 22.  I am calling this endeavor “Visual Cents.”

Other than to take and post the pictures, I have set no other parameters for myself.  I don’t guarantee that each day’s photos will be good pictures, but I will try to make sure that they each have some redeeming quality.  Some days they may be artful photos.  Other days they may be recollection, or silly, or just about anything else.  I am trying to be open to the possibilities of the process.

This project is not intended to replace my regular blog posts.  I still plan to write and include photos when  appropriate.   I thought about creating a new blog just for these photographs but since they will be part of my day throughout the summer and my title here is “All In A Day” it seemed unnecessary.  I don’t plan to write anything to accompany the photos.  Photography is the art of communicating through pictures.  I am going to let each image say what it has to say.

I would be grateful for any comments along the way.

We’ll see what happens.

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