8/365 Blue

8/365 Blue

 “Blue – Only On the Outside”

Today should have been an easy day as far as the daily prompt goes.  Blue.  Blue is my favorite color.  I love blue. Blue anything.  I have lots and lots of blue things.  That is where the difficulties started.  What direction to go?  What to choose?  Rather than make a real choice,  I finally decided that I would do a self portrait because I like blue so much.  That was kind of all encompassing.  So there you have it.  A self portrait in blue.  As an aside, after moaning and groaning about the monthly selfies all of last year, this is my third in eight days.  Just goes to show that people do change!
Before I got around to actually taking the above photo, I still had all of the blue possibilities on my mind.  Everywhere I turned, there was more blue.  This wasn’t really a surprise, but I became fascinated with all of the things around me.  Then I had a brilliant idea.  Well, maybe it wasn’t so brilliant; maybe it was just an idea.  I decided that I would photograph blue all day long, every time I noticed it I’d snap a photo.
This evolved into I would take fifty photos throughout the day and call the series “Fifty Shades of Blue.”  Before you worry about having to look at fifty photos, I will tell you right now that I only got to twenty. The project has thusly been renamed “Twenty Shades of Blue.” 🙂  I never claimed to be clever or original.  Just because I was in a strange mood about this whole idea, I also decided that I would try to use select color on the blue in each of the photos.  The reasons for this were two-fold.  First, using selective color would emphasize the blue and secondly, leaving the other portions of the photo black and white was an off-handed nod to the source of my unoriginal shady title.
Like I said, I only made it to twenty photos.  I could have taken fifty pictures easily, but culling and editing, even minor edits like cropping and resizing would be way too time consuming for a day’s work, especially a day’s work beyond my normal daily responsibilities.  You would think I would have realized this at the outset.  I think I did, but I wanted to try.
So here it is, blue through my day:

Twenty Shades of Blue

Good Morning

Blue at Breakfast

Morning Ritual – Morning Pages

The View from the Table – A Favorite Print

Time toTake the Dog Out – Faithful Crocs

Shower Time – Robed in Blue

The Last Of Christmas

Time for A Break…

* You will notice that in a couple of these photos I have left some orange with the blue.  Orange is my second favorite color; I had to leave it in as well.  These are the cups that Weber and I have left from our wedding reception.  Almost four years later, they still get used everyday around here.

…Which Necessitates Another Break

Leftovers for Lunch

What’s In the Fridge?

My Jacket

Time for a Little Afternoon Reading


None of this would have been possible without this…

… and this.

I hope that all of the blue in your world is on the outside!

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