78/365-2 365

78/365-2 365

“When In Rome…”

Today was a crazy weird day at school for both of us.  By the time we got home, we both were a little worn out.  Though I did give today’s photo some thought throughout the day, nothing interesting or creative really came to mind.  
I did discover that the highest setting on my metronome i 300, that Hymn 365 in the Episcopal hymnal is “Come thou almighty king” and page 365 of the theory textbook covers diatonic versus applied sequences.  Though each of these was an interesting discovery, none made for an equally interesting photo.
With little time to accomplish the task because of choir rehearsal tonight, I decided to go with holding up fingers showing “365.”  Having only two hands of my own, I had to engage a willing accomplice.  As it turned out, making the numbers was easier said than done.  First we had to make sure they were facing the right direction when photographed.  Then there was getting our fingers at the right angle, etc., etc.  After several failed attempts, we started goofing around.  Peace signs and a few unacceptable finger gestures crossed my mind.  Then Weber suggested that we use Roman numerals.  That was just the bit of quirkiness I needed to get behind this whole idea.  I’m not sure anyone else will see the 365 in this image; that’s OK.  This photo makes me laugh and today that is good enough for me!

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