7/100 How Do You Do It?

7/100 How Do You Do It?


I learned at age fifty something that apparently after forty years of loading dishwashers that I was doing it all wrong. 🙂  I also learned after fifty something years that method and style of dishwasher loading may cause more friction in relationships than do finances, how fitted sheets are folded, and how many dogs is too many.

My friend Jim and I have had many hysterical conversations on our morning walks about how neither of us knows how to load the dishwasher.  What can not go in the dishwasher and when something meets dishwasher criteria where and how it is placed are life skills that we apparently missed.  In the end, it works out because we don’t have to load the dishwasher.  It is funny to me, though, that those with strong opinions about loading the dishwasher lose interest in the process when it is time for unloading.  I guess filling cabinets and drawers requires lower level thinking and is more suited to our skill set. 🙂

This morning, my friend Mark shared this meme.  Coffee almost came out my nose..

I am the racoon on meth…but a functional racoon on meth!

(Thanks for the inspiration, Mark!)

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