65/365 Full Speed Ahead

65/365 Full Speed Ahead

“Making Butter”

One of the things that we treat ourselves to is homemade butter.  Unlike many foods made at home, it is not cheaper to make butter than to buy it, but it sure tastes better.  Making the butter is one of Weber’s self delegated chores.  So tonight he made butter and I took pictures.  
The mixer has to be on “full speed ahead” for the process of cream becoming butter to work.  I took lots of pictures of the whisk actually moving, but I did not really like the images.  Two things bothered me about them.  First of all, because we made the butter at ten o’clock at night, there was no natural light in the kitchen.  That made the exposure difficult.  Secondly, though the process of making butter is amazing to watch, the pictures do not do it justice.  It kind of looked like we were whisking already scrambled eggs.  Therefore, today’s picture was taken only seconds after the whisk had been moving full speed ahead.
On a related note, we had a tornado drill at school this afternoon.  As we were heading to our “safe spot” (I say that with a great deal of sarcasm.) I passed our division secretary and said, “I’ll see you in Oz.”  She said, “Do you think that you could bring some homemade butter to Oz?  I don’t mind going as long as I have some of your butter.”
We are not in Oz, but I do have butter to take to her tomorrow.
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