50/100 Choose Wisely

50/100 Choose Wisely

Today is the midway point of the 100 Day Project!  I have to be honest and say that I didn’t really think that I’d make it this far, forget all the way to day 100.  I still wonder if I have it in me to make it to the end.  Every one of the poems that I have posted thus far is first draft writing.  I havent’t gone back and read, much less edited, any of these first fifty poems.  My goal for this project is to put something on paper every day.  Good poetry at this stage of the game is never what I intended.  My dream is at the end of these 100 days, I will have one or two poems that with some hard work and revision might become adequate pieces of writing.  As with any creative endeavor discipline and practice are essential.  That is what participation in the 100 Day Project  affords.  One word at a time, I will give the next fifty days my best shot.

On to today’s poem.

Today also seems like a good point for an Acorn update.  It too is still going strong.

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