46/365-2 Geared Up

46/365-2 Geared Up

 “Erin and Leo”

Today was a busy day around our house, but it was the good kind of busy!  Erin wanted us to watch our “grand puppy”  so that she and Edgar could go run some errands.    The agreement was that we would do that as long as they were back before our out of town guests arrived.   The kids and the puppy arrived just as I was finishing the last little bit of sweeping.  Perfect timing!
Leo is such a cute little guy, and well behaved too!

I’m pretty sure he knows that he is adorable!

I like the fact that you can see me and my camera reflected in his eye in these photos.  He was a little wiggly when it came to being photographed, but we managed a few decent shots.

Leo’s mom and dad were respectful of our time table today and arrived back at our house fifteen minutes of so before our guests arrived.  Erin took a few shots of me and Leo.

We had a lovely visit and shared in a surprise birthday celebration this evening.  It was a darn good day all the way around!

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