40-44/365-3 Catching Up!

40-44/365-3 Catching Up!

Wow!, I just dont seem to be able to keep up with it all right now!  Between school responsibilities, the tasks of working on my dad’s estate, and NOAH, I am struggling to stay afloat.  I knew that I was a few days behind here, but I didnt realize that I hadnt posted a single photo all week.  Where did the week go?

Though I really dont have the time, I do manage to make the time each day to take my photo of the day.  That may sound a little selfish, but if I dont have some creative outlet with all the other stuff that is going on, I will literally go crazy.  Even when taken late at night in a rush, there is joy in picking up my camera and taking a photo of something every day.

I wish that I had more time to write.  That is the one thing that I really miss right now.  Well, and a clean house.  I am further behind with housekeeping than I am here with blog posts.  Tonight I am going to catch up here and tomorrow I will make an attempt to clean the house.  My Valentine;s treat to myself is not setting an alarm in the morning.  Hopefully I will wake up early enough to get something productive done before we go out tomorrow evening with friends.

So here are the weekly photos – better late than never.

40/365-3 So Lovely

“Midnight Rose”

No, this is not some new hybrid rose.  It gets its name from the fact that it was nerly midnight when I actually took this shot.   This was a “macro Monday” shot, one of my favorite repeating monthly prompts.

41/365-3 Striking


I like this quote and attempted to create a photo that adequately reflects the words.

42/365-3 Cozy

“Menage a Trois”

This was another photo taken very late at night.  I truly thought that this was going to be the day that I missed my daily photo.  I had no time left and not a single creative thought in my head.  Weber had gotten me thi pillow as a Valentine’s Day gift.  The image is by a now deceased artist from Vermont.  We visited his studio while we were on our honeymoon.  Weber offered the gift to me early in the hope it would satisfy the daily prompt.  I dont know if it really addresses the prompt, but it is my photo of the day anyway.

43/365-3 A Favorite

“A Few of My Favorite Things”

Thursday are my longest teaching days.  They start early and I teach five hours straight before lunch.  Needless to say by 1:30 I was more than ready for lunch.  Weber always packs our lunches.  He is way more efficient in the morning than I am.  I was surprised and happy to find a couple of Hershey Kisses in my lunch bag.  They were exactly what I needed to get me through the last three hours of my work day and work week!

44/365-3 Pretty In Pink

“Love You!

I dont know about the pretty part, but I managed the pink.  I left Weber his Valentine’s Day message with sidewalk chalk  on the driveway.  It beats no card at all, right?

And, there is a new post on Pixels, Plates, and LOLs.  Stop by for some recipes for some sweet treats!

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