40/365 Through the Looking Glass

40/365 Through the Looking Glass

“Through the Looking Glass”

One of the goals of the is year’s Capture Your 365 Project is to include a self-portrait each month.  Not to be too blunt, but I hate this.  You may remember my thoughts on this last month.  Well, it wasn’t any easier this month.  When you are not one who is prone to looking decent in pictures even when a skilled photographer is taking them, it is highly unlikely that the results are going to be even marginally good when you are taking the photo yourself.  All I can say on this one is that I did it.  It involved bathroom mirrors, camera self-timers, crawling under the tripod and making sure the “good towels” were hanging.  (They are the ones that didn’t stick out in the background.  I’m now free from such torture until March.  
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