358/365-2 Naughty or Nice

358/365-2 Naughty or Nice

“You Decide.”

I was drawn to this image of Erin that was taken on her birthday.  For someone reason, to me it is perfect for “naughty or nice.”
We had a somewhat less frantic Christmas eve than usually.  I did get everything wrapped, chili made for Christmas day, and some cleaning done, but I decided that some cleaning just was not going to get done.  That’s why they make doors that close.
Church was a nice change this year.  I had the opportunity to play with the orchestra at a different church rather than sing in the choir at our church.  I enjoyed the opportunity to play.  It has been a long time since I have been an instrumentalist rather than a chorister.  It felt good to get back to my roots.
Because we were actually running a little bit early, Weber and I had time to stop at Starbucks before church and enjoy a cup of coffee together.  

It was calm and quite, the perfect way to settle our spirits before attending church – twice.  I played for two services and weber was a good sport and went to both.  At least the sermons were different.

A few years ago we began this weird tradition of going Waffle House after midnight Mass on Christmas eve.  So after church Weber and I picked up Brooke and headed out for our eggs with cheese and hash browns.  I’m not sure how this became part of our holiday tradition, but I always enjoy it.

By the time we got home, I was wide awake.  I think it was 4am by the time I finally got to bed.  That’s OK.  Now that the girls are older, Christmas morning doesn’t start so early.

With wishes for homes and hearts filled with joy during this holiday season and the year to come.

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