355/365 How’s The Weather?
‘A Peaceful Rain”
Today was a gray and rainy day. This afternoon, once the heavy rains had stopped, I took a walk outside. I was struck by the vibrant colors of these fallen leaves. Against the surrounding grayness of the day, they just jumped out. I may have also noticed them because of the gentle dance they were doing as they floated through the puddle.
I was surprised by how blue the sky looks as it is reflected in the puddle. It seemed dull and gray as I looked up at it. I’m sure there is a metaphorical lesson in that somewhere.
Though I do love the colors in the above image, I feel a little guilty using it as documentation of today’s weather. I played around with some of the other shots from today, converting them to black and white since my perception of the day is that it was gray and colorless. I like the way this one came out. The raindrop covered leaves seem to be reaching out.
“Gray, Rainy and Beautiful”