347/365 No Peeking

347/365 No Peeking

“Can I Peek?”

I am honored to have the opportunity to serve as a mentor for this little sixth grader.  Today was our last meeting before the holidays so I got to give her her Christmas gift.  It has been a while since I have shopped for a girl this age.  I enjoyed the chance to again peruse the children’s section of the bookstore looking for just the right book for her.  I finally settled on “I’ve Lost My Hippopotamus” by Jack Pruletsky.  I also made her a hot pink and purple hat, colors that I never knit with for my own girls.
She wasn’t sure whether she got to open her gifts today or if she had to wait until Christmas.  After a little hesitancy, she asked if she could open it and was thrilled that the answer was “yes”.  We had a good time reading silly poems together and talking about how our families celebrate Christmas.
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