347/365-2 In The Corner

347/365-2 In The Corner

“It’s Beginning to Look A Little Like Christmas”

We finally have a Christmas tree up and standing in the corner.  No other decorations are out yet, but at least the tree is up.  The dogs and the cat were all right there to help every step of the way.  Adidas seemed intrigued by the lights.  Frankie was waiting for the perfect ornament to knock off and play with and Harley wanted to make sure that these two stayed engaged and didn’t bother her while she was chewing her bone.
Even with the tree up and decorated, it still doesn’t look much like Christmas around here.  I will work on more of it tomorrow.  Brooke and I did clean out the refrigerator and the freezer tonight.  Though that doesn’t do much to help with the feeling of Christmas, it is a good feeling in and of itself to have it done.  Now there is room for Christmas baking.  Maybe that will help to up the general holiday spirit around here.
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