33/365 A Shadow

33/365 A Shadow


I am envious of many of the folks on the Capture Your 365 forum because they have little ones at home to provide endless photo opportunities.  So when Erin came over with her rollerblades, I decided to take advantage of the situation and grab my camera.  
Though the shadow is not the predominant feature in this picture, I love the angle that it creates with her body.  In fact, this image is all about angles.  I shot this on the diagonal in an attempt to de-emphasize the less than perfect background.  I don’t know if that worked, but I do like the overall effect of this one.
Here is another shadow image.
Erin and her skates also gave the opportunity to practice taking action shots.  I was shooting for clarity. Next time I’ll work on motion blur.  This girl is serious about her skating.

In between laps around the circle, we talked about how kids used to spend weekends at the local skating rink, about how much fun that was and the exercise that it provided.  Now kids sit on the couch, drink soda and eat chips and play virtual sports. No wonder today’s children are plagued with health issues.
She did lighten up and smile.

There were moments when the expression on her face emanated pure joy.
Even youth tires.  She took a break and offered me the opportunity to take a spin on her skates.  As an adult, I owned a pair of rollerblades and I actually used them, but that was a long time ago.  Without giving it much thought, I kicked off my shoes and buckled those skates around my ankles.  Off I went . . .sort of.  Suddenly I realized just how long it had been since I was on skates.  Suddenly I realized that my shins hurt.  Suddenly I realized that I had to play a gig that night and if I fell and broke my arm I was going to be in a world of hurt both literally and figuratively.  If that all wasn’t bad enough, I suddenly realized that my beloved child had picked up my camera and was documenting all of this.  That was enough to make me determined not to do a face plant in the middle of the circle.
All things considered, I did pretty well.  I was reminded of how much I like to skate and how weak my ankles have gotten.  I did have fun and I managed a smile as well.
Erin is trying to convince me to get a pair of rollerblades.  Doing so will either keep me young or accelerate the aging process.  Once I figure out which of those is more likely, Ill make a decision on whether or not to buy some skates.  
We both had a good afternoon of fun.  Hopefully there will be more like it.

Am I too old for this??

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