329/365 Grateful for Relationships

329/365 Grateful for Relationships

“Second Chances”

Brooke’s Kitchen Aide mixer decided that it had mixed enough bread and ceased to play nicely with her.   Not to be defeated by a mixer, Brooke turned to the Internet to see if she could diagnose its exact ailment.  Based on her findings, she decided that it needed a new gear.  She found the parts and ordered them online.
They arrived yesterday and today was surgery day for “Matilda.”  Brooke managed to get everything taken apart except for the final piece, a snap ring that would not budge.  She enlisted Weber’s help.  Between the two of them they were able to successfully replace the ailing part.
My original intent was that today’s photo would be about Brooke’s relationship with her mixer.  To capture the relationship between these two is a bonus for me.  And, I suppose it also captures the intimate relationship they both were having with the innards of a Kitchen Aide mixer!
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