327/365 Grateful for Imperfect Moments

327/365 Grateful for Imperfect Moments

‘It Will Take Two”

Winter has finally hit Dallas!  We spent the morning running errands.  Despite the chilly temperatures, we decided that when we got home we try to take a few pictures of us together.  This is always tricky interns of camera settings and focus, kind of like the selfies.  Today it was more than tricky; it was pretty much a disaster.
I’m not sure what my problem was, but my camera and I definitely were not one with each other.  First I had difficulty getting the correct exposure.  That shouldn’t have been a problem.  The sky was gray and overcast.  What light there was was nice and even.  Once I got the exposure problem solved, then I was plagued with focus issues.  No matter what I tried,  I failed to get us both in focus.  In a word, the day’s pictures were terrible.
I found this all kind of funny given today’s prompt – “imperfect moments.”  
Normally I would have considered this kind of day a failure and deleted all of the pictures.  Instead, I decided to see what I could salvage.  This one is the best of the bunch.  Sad, isn’t it.  Oh well, tomorrow is a new day.  Maybe a little rain, sleet, snow and ice will make for better pictures.  It certainly can’t make them much worse.
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