327/365-2 Thanks for Unfamiliar Places

327/365-2 Thanks for Unfamiliar Places

“Road to…”

We are back in Delaware for the week.  It will be strange not to be at home for Thanksgiving, but we needed to make a trip back east and this worked out to be the best time.
I took a walk down the road in the late afternoon.  I have been walking on this road almost all my life yet it is beginning to feel a bit unfamiliar.  On “our’ end of the road, the houses date from the late 1800’s.  Now there is all kinds of new construction going on further down.  Needless to say it is a little shocking to move from the colonial period to the 21st century in just a few steps.  I don’t know why this seems so strange to me when I saw this very thing all over Europe – Gothic Cathedrals next to modern buildings.  Maybe my uneasiness is because this was at one time a very familiar place and now it is not so much.
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