315/365 Grateful for Freedom

315/365 Grateful for Freedom

“Not Forgotten”

This is the POW / MIA bracelet that I have had since 1969.  Though I was much too young to understand all of the politics of the Viet Nam war, it was very real to me because my dad spent a year in Viet Nam.  Thankfully, he returned home safely to us.
As a child, I wore two of these bracelets.  In 1973 while living in Hawaii, I had the honor of meeting each and every plane carrying the POW’s who were returning home.  Stepping off the plane in Honolulu was the first American soil that these serviceman had stepped on since their release.  I was able to give me other bracelet to the man whose name was engraved upon it.  Like my father, he returned home to his family.  CDR. William P. Yarbrough did not.  To this day, I pray for him and his family.
On Veteran’s Day, I give thanks for all of the men and women who have and are serving our country and protecting our freedoms.  And, I remember those who lost their life so that the lives of others would be better.
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