305/365-2 Yourself

305/365-2 Yourself


I am still playing catch-up with regard to posting photos here, but I did get back on track as far as taking my daily shots beginning on November 1st.
On the first of November, All Saints Day, we celebrated my dad’s life at a memorial service held at St. Pete’s episcopal Church in Lewes.  I crafted a service whose readings and music I thought best reflected the man that man dad was.  Father Jeff Ross preached a moving and meaningful homily.  The service concluded with members of the U.S. Navy presenting me the flag that had draped the casket last week and then Taps followed by a twenty one gun salute.  This service was everything that I wanted and needed it to be.
A reception was held at the Lewes Yacht Club.  It was not what I would have planned had I been in charge.  However, I think people enjoyed it.  Those who wanted to were given the opportunity to say a few words of remembrance.  I did enjoy hearing people speak to many aspects of my dad’s life – grade school and high school friends, classmates from the U. S Naval Academy, people who had served with him at various times during his career and those in Lewes who knew him from his involvement with the Lewes Historical Society and the Overfalls Lightship Foundation.
When we got back to the house, we were all in kind of a reflective mood – thinking about lives lived, lives passed, and all the memories made in between.  I found this portrait that my parents had done of me when I was around three.  As I looked at it,  I was thinking about how grateful I am for all that I have had and all that I have done in my life as well as for all the people that I have met on my journey on earth.
Here is another picture that better shows the actual portrait.
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