30/365-2 Focused

30/365-2 Focused


This kid began reading at age 3 and hasn’t stopped since.  I’m not sure how Borders Books went out of business.  I think we spent enough money there to have kept them in business by ourselves.  By the time that Brooke was six, she was reading so much that I no longer could read everything that she was reading first to make sure that it was appropriate.  If I had, I would have had no time to read for myself.  The first instance of this causing an issue was when, at age 8, she was reading Allison Weir’s The Wives of Henry VIII.  One night at bedtime she strolled into my room with the book in her hand and asked, “So Mama, what is adultery?”  
While I have been attempting to keep my photo a day discipline for another year, Brooke has embarked on her own Project 365 – 365 books; yes, a book a day for a year.  As we come to the end of January, she has been successful, with the shortest book of the month being 190 pages.  Look at what you can accomplish when you don’t have to work all day!  I tried to convince her that she needed to blog about the experience.  That suggestion was met with, “That would cut into my reading time.”  So much for a mother’s advice.
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