297/365 With Stripes

297/365 With Stripes

“Good for the Sole”

My funky striped hand-knit socks are the first things that come to my mind when I think about stripes.   I don’t have much of a personal style except for my socks. They are like a smile on my feet.  How can you not be happy when you are wearing brightly colored hand-knit socks?   I am always surprised by the fact that my students notice my socks and ask about them.  Over the years, I have even made a pair of socks for a couple of them.  
It was kind of cool seeing them all together like this.  It is much more impressive than looking at them balled up in my sock basket.
The two socks in the middle are a public confession of sorts.  They are both for Weber and I have not managed to knit their mates (in two years) ….yet.  I have two months until Christmas.  He will be so surprised to find two pairs of socks amongst his Christmas gifts:-)
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