287/365 Around the Corner

287/365 Around the Corner


The intended goal for today was to focus on roads or paths and their leading lines.  I figured I would take a walk on my favorite walking path that is not far from home.  It has a lot of foliage and often nice reflections in the water.  I walked along a took a few photos from various spots, but nothing felt right.  I don’t know if this was because the skies were gray and overcast, weather which I really do love, or just that I was just plain tired.  This particular park has a lovely seating area that overlooks the water.  In the middle is a huge tree with a circular bench around its trunk.  Today I was fascinated with the lines and curves in the bench.  And, that sort of fit the prompt.  It did!  Sort of…if you use your imagination!  The photo is kind of abstract but I like it.  
Then there is the path itself…

“Rounded Corners”

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