281/365 Reflection

281/365 Reflection


I guess this is officially my picture of the day because it is the one that is a more accurate response to the day’s prompt – photograph a reflection in water.  I do like the symmetry of this; I think I might like it even better in black and white.  Hmmm, something to try.  I did not see the heron when I was taking the photo so he/she is a little obscured.  Oh well…
I really like photo below. 
“Reflective Duck”
 I’m not exactly sure why.  The silhouetted trees are reflected in the pond so I guess technically it does fit the prompt.  But, what draws me to it is the “reflective” duck – not that he is reflected in the water but that he seems to be reflecting over his day that is about over.  Call me weird.  Maybe I just kind of feel like that duck right now.
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