279/365-2 October Macro – Whole

279/365-2 October Macro – Whole

“Cups and Tea”

Very rarely does something happen in my life that I can’t make fit the daily prompt.  Today, however, was one of those days.
A relatively new friend, but one who has become dear to us very quickly, made us these tea cups to go with two others and a matching pot that we won last summer as part of the NOAH conference silent auction.  They are “so us” and serve as a tangible reminder of the blessings that true friendship brings.  
I needed to take a photo of the cups, but I also wanted to attempt the macro shot that is today’s prompt.  This photo is a compromise. And as is often the case where compromise is involved, it does neither goal justice.
Despite what my family says, that is loose tea, nothing more.  Neither my husband or my daughter wanted to explain to me how they knew that my tea looked like a mood altering substance that is perhaps a little stronger than caffeine.  I’ll just have to take their word for it.
You know that you are addicted to photography when your first instinct regarding a “thank you” note is to take a picture.  Here is the photo that I posted on Facebook earlier to say thank-you to Richard for sharing his talents and his heart with us.  We are blessed to call him and his wife friends.
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