279/365 Harvest

279/365 Harvest

“Making Applesauce”

I wish that I could say that I had harvested these apples from my orchard to make applesauce.  Sadly, I did not.  I had to settle for the apples at the grocery store, which are good right now since wee are in the midst of apple season.  I decided to make a small batch of applesauce this afternoon.  Applesauce is one of my favorite things.  It fills the bill when I want something sweet and it is good for me as well.  Win-win!
I have had this food mill for a long time.  It is the one that I used to rice countless sweet potatoes, squash, peas, bananas, pears, and yes, apples, when the girls were babies.  It has definitely served me well for all these years!

“Simple and Pure”
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