25/365-2 Caring
“Slaving Over A Hot Fire”
Though there were many things that we should have done today, we shirked all of our adult responsibilities and spent the day celebrating a friend’s birthday by sitting outside talking, laughing, enjoying the perfect weather and roasting hot dogs over the fire pit. It was a glorious day. And what better way to show your wife that you care about her than by slaving over a hot fire roasting her a hot dog.
Seriously, what does caring look like? We all know what it looks like in the intense moments of life – when we need an ear to listen or a shoulder on which to cry a hand to hold or an arm to pick us up, a whisper in our ear or a stern word spoken directly at us. In the every day, however, it looks like a freshly made cup of coffee as we stagger out of bed, or the towel warmer being turned back on when we sleep beyond it programmed shut-off time, or our lunch having been packed on school mornings, or pain relieving gel rubbed on your back, and yes, hot dogs being roasted over an open fire. I feel blessed to know what caring looks like every day.