253/365 Around the House

253/365 Around the House

“The Evidence”

So, the girls have started a business of a weekly bread baking and delivery service.  I am proud of their entrepreneurial spirit.  Weber and I have become investors in this new venture – it is all taking place in our kitchen.  Therefore, we are “underwriting” their “rent” and utilities.  Last week was their first week to deliver bread.  Though they are still fine tuning the workflow, it was a relatively successful opening week.
This week’s photo prompts are focusing on everyday life, photographing  things that you would not normally consider preserving for generations to come.  Today we were asked to document something around the house. See above.  Now you know what our kitchen looks like almost all the time except when it is worse than this.  
It was hard for me to take this photo and even harder to post it.  I don’t like mess.  I can’t function in it.  This is a personality thing, not necessarily an aesthetic thing.  It took all that I had in me to follow through in this direction but it is an honest depiction of our life today.
I love the fact that the cutting mat in the center has a bright red cow on it.  It makes me laugh because we eat little to meat at home.  So the designated meat cutting mat gets used for anything and everything but meat.
As a way to soften the blow of having taken and shared the above picture as my picture of the day, I had to take this one as well.  I feel better now!

“The Contemplative Baker”
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