25/100 What A Surprise

25/100 What A Surprise

‘They” say that the most honest writing is expressed when you feel that you have nothing to give.  Tonight I am writing from the hospital as I sit with Weber, who had knee replacement surgery today.  I have been upright for eighteen hours and had only four hours of sleep prior.  Despite all that, I am grateful for all that this day brought—-for a successful surgery and for a friend who got up at 4am to drive us to the hospital and then kept me company until 4pm this afternoon when Weber was finally moved to a room.  There is no greater gift than friendship.  And often we find true friendship in people and places that surprise us.

What A Surprise

What a surprise

that you would be

the one who became

a friend to me.

What a surprise

that the interests we share

have led to this place

of genuine care.

What a surprise

the memories we’ve made,

the places we’ve gone,

the prayers that we’ve prayed.

What a surprise

that you would be

the one who became

a friend to me.



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2 thoughts on “25/100 What A Surprise

  1. Your words express the joys of true friendship. Well done on a tough day.

    Wishing Weber a speedy and uneventful recovery!

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