242/365 Smack

242/365 Smack

“Puppy Love”

Today’s prompt was “bump.”  Elaboration on that was given as jolt, crash or smack.  Thankfully I did not have anything in my day that could be described by any of those words.  I had a day at home.  I did do some work, but it was at a leisurely pace and did not require that I be dressed by 7 am.  
We spent this evening with friends.  It was a wonderful evening during which we shared a meal and good conversation.  I also managed to take a few pictures.  They were not taken under ideal circumstances, but hey, not everything in life happens under perfect circumstances.
At the point we left for dinner, I had not taken a picture for today and had no idea what I was going to do.  As is often the case, however, luck and a little creativity jumped in and saved me.  I had to go with a loose interpretation of the prompt, but it works for me.  Smack is a kiss, right?  I love the way Tyler, the dog, is looking into his dad’s eyes.  And as a bonus, I got a picture of my friend as well.  Thanks guys for helping me out today!
And not to be left out, here is Tyler’s brother, Trevor.

“Party Animal”

These guys are fun to photograph!
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