23/365-2 On the Third

23/365-2 On the Third


The intended subject for today’s prompt was a landscape.  we were to intentional place the horizon.  A landscape photo was not happening for me today; I had way too many other things to be doing and did not have time to go out looking.  Fortunately, I got a lot of landscape practice last weekend in Delaware.
I could have cheated a little and used one of the photos that I took over the weekend.  I was torn between following the prompt and staying true to a photo every day.  I opted for a photo that I took today.  Obviously it is not a landscape and thus has no skier a horizon, really.  Perhaps it fit the “on the third.” bill.  It doesn’t matter.  It is what it is.
I am double dipping a bit today because the photo was actually taken for today’s post on the blog Pixels, Plates and LOLs!  We shared some photos and recipes for our favorite comfort foods.  Stop on over and visit if you have a few minutes!
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