23/365 Snuggle

23/365 Snuggle

“Just Trying to Help!”
I know that I am very lucky that Weber is so supportive of my crazy obsession commitment to take a picture every day.  I didn’t realize that the dogs, too, were on that bandwagon.

Today is my longest day of the week – school until 4:30 (though I got out a little early since today was the first day of my MW classes) and then choir rehearsal tonight.  I knew that I was going to be hard-pressed to get any decent picture today, especially of anyone snuggling.  I thought about various possibilities on and off throughout the day, but came up empty handed.  I hoped that when I got home from choir I could find some person, dog, cat or some combination thereof cuddled up together; I would snap a picture and that would have to do.  

This definitely was not the picture I imagined.  It is,however, proof positive of the saying, “Life is what happens while you are busy making plans.”  Rather than fight it,  I just laughed and clicked the shutter.

Seize the moment.
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