225/365-2 Homegrown

225/365-2 Homegrown


First of all, I am not doing well with daily posts here.  I think that I have too many irons in the fire right at the moment… and school hasn’t even started yet.   I am still taking my daly photos as well as  finishing up the phone photography class (where I am also two days behind) and I have just started another online photography class.  In addition, regular choir rehearsals started last evening.  
Weber goes back to school on Monday.  We have been finishing up some summertime  “have to’s”, like eye doctor appointments and so on.Despite having things that could have and probably should have been done, we decided to have a “date day” in downtown Dallas yesterday.  We often go downtown to the arts district for specific performances, but we have not gone just to explore intentionally our city. 
I have been to the Sixth Floor Museum, but I had never seen the JFK memorial.  I also had no idea that there are so many eateries open during the week.  The one specific thing that we wanted to do was visit the chapel at Thanksgiving Square.  As luck would have it, the chapel was closed for maintenance yesterday.  It would have been nice if that had been posted on their website, which I did check before we left.  Though I was disappointed with this closing, we still had a delightful day and have already decided that we will try to visit again on some Saturday later in the fall.
We did visit St. Jude Chapel, a small but beautiful urban place of worship nestled between the office buildings of downtown Dallas.  It is a calm and quiet repute from the business of the downtown area. Mass is said over the noontime lunch hour and then the sanctuary is open for personal prayer.  The sanctuary is surrounded by stained glass windows of the Stations of the Cross.   This is definitely a downtown Dallas treasure.
None of this, including the photo above, has much of anything to do with “homegrown”, the prompt of the day.  We have no garden this year because we knew that we were going to be traveling most of the summer and a garden would not have been properly tended; so, nothing homegrown to photograph.  I did like the way these dainty flowers looked against the mirrored downtown office building in the background.
I will try to to better with daily posts.  Thanks for your understanding and continued support.
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