222/365-2 On the Brink
“Teetering Troll”
August 10, 2014
It has been a long time since these trolls have been out in public. Over the weekend we cleaned out the garage, etc. at the house in Denton. I brought home with me all of the girls’ toys that I saved. I am not one of those mothers that saved every single thing, only those that have weathered the test of time. When I got these out for the day’s photograph Brooke remembered playing with them and we had a little stroll together down memory lane.
I will admit that I had fun playing with this guys as I tried to figure out how best to capture the idea of “on the brink.” It is hard to beat the entertainment created by balancing tessellating trolls atop one another!
Perhaps I need a real life!
I also photographed the super moon Sunday night.