221/365-2 Like A Painting

221/365-2 Like A Painting


Today’s prompt had more to do with processing of a photo than anything else.  The goal was to take a photo and process it in such a way that it looked like a painting rather than a photograph.  Just what I needed…another step to consume yet more time!  Oh my, the time that can be spent exploring the possibilities with this type of conversion!
This is a photo that I took on the last evening that we were in Delaware.  (I had other plans for today’s photo, but time got away from me.  That’s another story.)  The original photo of the dock at the Lewes-Cape May ferry terminal was taken with my phone and was then converted to this watercolor image using a phone app.  I love the layers and the lines in this image.  Obviously they were there in the original photo, but something about the added texture of the watercolor effect amplifies them.
I have been using my phone for my daily photos over the last month while my DSLR has been away for repairs.  I intentionally signed up for an iPhonography class during this time to help ease the pain of not having my big camera.  I’ve enjoyed the class much more than I thought I would.  I have learned some tips for using the iPhone’s resident camera more successfully as well as having been been introduced to several new and entertaining iPhone apps.  It is amazing how much money you can spend 99 cents at a time…and I haven’t even purchased all that have been suggested.
Below is the photo for yesterday’s phone iPhonography course.  The goal here was geared toward composition…to fill the frame.  My trusty red Converse came to my rescue once again!  Every bit of this photo was done with my phone – the photo, the processing, the frame, and the text.

Lots of fun!

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