216/365 At Eye Level

216/365 At Eye Level

“Bob, Bokeh and Big Ben”

You may remember that my intention at the outset of this trip was to photograph Bob every place that we went.  As it turned out, that was a little unrealistic.  Every place was so crowded that taking the time to set up silly shots with him was not feasible so I had to let that idea go.  I am kind of sad about that, but it is what it is.  Tonight, on our last night of the trip, I decided to pull him out and have a little fun.
Today was a busy day – sung Eucharist this morning and Evensong this afternoon with a rehearsal in between.  When we returned to the hotel, we decided on one more quick trip to a pub for dinner and a final toast to our time in the UK.  We also needed to pack as breakfast is being served at 6:45 tomorrow morning with a scheduled 8am departure to the airport.  I did take just a few short minutes to take some photos of Bob late tonight.  I wish I had had more time; I do enjoy photographing the Lego mini figures.
I like the idea of this image but the execution leaves a little bit to be desired.  I just didn’t have time (or energy) to think this through.  Part of the bokeh in the background is Big Ben.  For me, that is the hidden reminder of this trip.
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