214/365 A Sign

214/365 A Sign

“A Sign”

I think that this is a sign that someone is ready to go!
We spent Friday in Canterbury.  The day had a stressful start in that we ran into a traffic snag between London and Canterbury that caused us to arrive at the cathedral with no time to rehearse or even warm-up much for our midday concert.  We did sing a few notes on the bus on the way.  The cathedral is the Mother Church of the Anglican communion and it was an honor to sing here, but the acoustics were very strange, probably having to do with carpet leading to the altar and an enclosed quire.  We sang well, but the singing highlight of this tour has definitely bee at Wells Cathedral a few days ago.
The Altar at Canterbury Cathedral
Saturday it’s time to explore London.  We have a completely free day.  I’m not sure what we’ll do.  I guess we’ll see how the spirit moves us.

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