210/365 On A Bike

210/365 On A Bike

“Last Ride”

We had an “off” day today – no singing so we traveled to Bath.  Though I met the guy in the above picture just off the high street, this next picture better represents our day.
“Bath and a Shower”

It poured rain for most of the day.  By the time we returned to the bus, we were drenched despite the umbrella.
The morning began with a trip through the Roman Baths.  This was very interesting, but there were way too many people in way too small a space for me.  

Outside the entrance to the Roman Baths

The hot bath
The passage to the tepid area

The Bath Abbey Church

Abbey Church Main Aisle
Cross located in the side chapel
We returned to the hotel in Bristol in time for dinner and an evening of relaxation.  Tomorrow is a busy day of rehearsals, both morning and afternoon, and a sung Evensong at Bristol Cathedral.  The singing sounds great.  Unfortunately, all of our travels tomorrow are on foot and the weather report is predicting a 90 percent chance of rain.  Singing in the rain and/or singing in soggy vestments does not sound appealing at all!
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