2016 in Nine Minutes

2016 in Nine Minutes

Another year behind me…the days seem to pass faster and faster!  I need them to slow down.  I have so much that I need to do, that I want to do.
One thing that I have managed to do every single day since January 1, 2013 is to take a photo a day, a photo that in some way represents my day.  Other than brushing my teeth, I’m not sure that I can say that I have any other habit that I have that I have done faithfully for 1461 days consecutively.  There probably should be others…
I used the Collect App for the iPhone to save each photo from 2016.  The app allows you to create a collage or a video of your photos.  This year, for the first time, I have created a video of all 366 photos.  It is amazing how a split second image from a day can transport me right back to that day, that moment.  I remember other things from that day.  I remember how I was feeling, who I was with, what the weather was like.  
Not all of the photos are good.  Not all of the days were good.  But lots of both were. That’s life.  We need balance.  We need to be able to see and feel that ebbing and flowing of life’s events and emotions.  And that’s why I am so committed to this project.  It gives me perspective on my life.  As the video runs, I am reminded of how grateful I am for all that the past year brought – special moments with my family and friends, good food, quiet times, silly times, travel, illness, scary times, celebrations,  appreciation of the everyday, the beauty of nature in calm and storm.  The video is the Cliff Notes of my life in 2016.  Nine minutes of the 527, 040 minutes that made up 2016.

Happy New Year!
My hope for each of you is that 2017 brings you and those you love joy, hope, and peace.
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