201/365 Shades of Blue
“Packing Shades of Blue”
Sorry, I forgot to post this yesterday.
Shades of blue should have been a no-brainer for me. Everything in my physical world is blue because blue makes me happy. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a whole lot of time to give to this today. We are leaving Monday for two weeks in England and so were busy getting stuff gathered and packed. As I separated my clothes into the stacks of requisite concert black and the other stuff, I realized I had a huge stack of blue clothing. Big surprise:-) So here is today’s photo – my shades of blue wardrobe. Nothing special, but it is me. I once heard someone say, “I don’t wear outfits; I wear clothes.” Yep, that’s me. I grabbed a bunch of my favorite stuff. I hope when we get to England, I have something that I something to wear that doesn’t make me look like a poorly dressed gypsy.