181/365 Graffiti Wall

181/365 Graffiti Wall

“Legacy of Love”

I am posting yesterday’s photo late because of some minor computer issues last night.  What I thought to be an inconvenience yesterday may have actually been divine intervention, a sign that allowed me more time to think carefully about the photo I was choosing as my POTD.
The is the “Legacy of Love” monument in Dallas.  It celebrates diversity in our city.  On Sunday, vandals spray painted, in red, the numbers “666” on the base of the monument as well as on other locations around the city,  acts that are now being investigated as hate crimes.  I photographed and originally intended to post this hurtful evidence of this hate that is still so prevalent in our society; however, by not being able to post last night, I had time to reconsider.  I decided not to give the vandals any more attention, but to focus on the beauty and the true meaning of the Legacy of Love monument.
Love will conquer the hate of the red paint.
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