175/365 A Dramatic Scene

175/365 A Dramatic Scene

“Sitting At Sunset”

I had hoped for a dramatic sunset tonight, but was disappointed.  (I could have opted for a dramatic sunrise, but my schedule is kind of weird right now and I’m staying up way too late to get up for the sunrise.)  There were some clouds early in the evening that gave me hope that the sunset might be colorful, but the clouds dissipated before sunset.
So that the evening’s shots weren’t a complete loss, I decided to play with silhouettes, a technique that creates images that I love, but one that I am not very good with.  I was happy with the above shot.  I particularly like the shape of the trees around Weber’s back.  I also like the reflection of the sun above his head.  The colors are much more dramatic reflected in the water than they appeared in the sky.
This is my one true sunset picture with which I am somewhat happy.  The colors are pretty, especially to me who loves blue and orange, but the composition is kind of “meh” as my girls would say.

And then there is my ongoing fascination with ducks . . .I photograph them every time we go to the park.  I find them to be beautiful creatures.  It has been fun to watch all the ducklings grow throughout the spring.

This duck spent the evening diving for dinner.  She managed to get more grass wrapped around her body than she seemed to get in her mouth.

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