173/365-2 Summer Silhouette

173/365-2 Summer Silhouette


Tonight is our last night in Delaware for this trip.  We are leaving in the morning to head for Charlotte, NC, where we will spend a day with some of my closest friends from college.  We haven’t seen one another in twenty-five years or so.  I am looking forward to our reunion.  This excitement is tempered a little by the fact that my dad has not bounced back yet from whatever the infection is that knocked him down yesterday.  I had hoped he would be feeling a little better before we had to leave.
We need o go home and tend to a few things.  If we have to turn around and come right back, we’ll do that.  Right now we are just taking things one step at a time.
We spent one more evening watching the sunset on the beach.  There were also belly dancers so there was a little distraction.  I’ll miss the beautiful sunrises and sunsets on the beach, but I miss the dogs and according to Brooke they are kind of whiny and needy because they miss us too.  It will be nice to touch base at home even if it is not for very long.
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