160/365 Remote Control
‘Still Playing!”
I credit Pac-Man with my success as an undergraduate student. It was my stress release, my therapy, my exercise, my entertainment. I was addicted and this addiction served me well. Almost every night after practicing clarinet and piano for four hours, I would head to the Mr. Gatti’s Pizza across the street from the music building and play a quarter’s worth of Pac-Man. That sounds reasonable, right? Well, it really wasn’t. I could play for several hours on one quarter. In fact , there were many evenings where I had to just walk away from the game and let someone else continue where I was.
I still remember all the patterns for the various levels, though I don’t have many opportunities to play anymore. Yes, there are computer and iPad versions of both Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man, but they just aren’t the same. Any of you who are first generation Pac-Man players know what I mean.
I’m not really sure why today summoned up this piece of nostalgia. Maybe because tomorrow is Weber’s birthday; sadly though, he was not a Pac-Man player. Poor guy!