154/365 Dandelion
“A is for Apricot”
. . . and D is for dandelion as well as for my success with today’s prompt. There were no dandelions anywhere in our neighborhood today. I remembered that I had taken a picture of a dandelion awhile back on a day when the prompt had something to do with flowers in the garden or something like that. I looked back through my archives to find that picture. It was taken on February 17th! It doesn’t seem like that much time has passed – nearly four months, a third of the year.
Though I had no dandelions to photograph, we do have lots of apricots. Erin brought us twenty pounds of them. Brooke has made apricot butter and apricot jam and I think there are plans for an apricot crisp . . .and we will probably still have apricots left.
Though I have clearly earned a “D” for my inability to follow the prompt today, can I at least have an “A” for effort? At least I posted something relevant to my day.