September 2017 – A Month of Stories

September 2017 – A Month of Stories


And in the blink of an eye, or maybe two, 2017 is three-quarters of the way over.  September was a full month, one of many ups and downs.  It was a month that made me look at all of the blessings that I have and be grateful.  My daily photos from this month taken as a group may make September 2017 my all-time favorite month ever since starting Capture Your 365 back in January of 2013.  I still have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that I have taken a photo every single day for five and three-quarter years!

September’s photos are not my favorite because they are fabulous works of art.  They are my favorite because they tell so many stories.  Stories of loss.  Stories of community and friends coming together to ease the pain of that loss.  Stories of travel to see friends that I don’t get to see very often.  Stories of good times shared with family and friends that I see nearly every day.  Stories of knitting and coffee drinking.  Stories of growing food and cooking food. Stories of where I live and where I work.  Stories of the people and things I love most.

I don’t live an extravagant life, but I live a wonderful life.  It’s made wonderful by all the beautiful people with whom I am blessed to share it.

In September…

  • Hurricane Harvey South Texas.  I shopped for baby items and tampons with two men who have never shopped for either.
  • We visited a local shelter to deliver the above items.
  • I travelled to Denver for a weekend for the NOAH Adult weekend.  I spent time with my favorite pale pals.
  • I bought yarn!  I knit.  I knit a lot.  I finished two welcome blankets.  And, documented the story of Becca’s hat throughout the month.
  • We drank a lot of coffee.  (OK,  That is not something special in September.  That happens every month.)
  • I cooked.
  • There were finally tomatoes that the squirrels didn’t get first.
  • I saw some great theater productions with the best friends anyone could ask for.
  • I managed a photo of Weber,the two of us together,  both girls, if you count the one with Brooke’s toes, and both dogs.  Somehow I missed the monthly photo of the cat.

Yep.  September was a good month.  I’m looking forward to October and the rest of this year.  Fall is definitely my favorite time of year!

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