151/365 Sunglasses

151/365 Sunglasses


It’s Friday, the last day of the work week and the day of the month of May.  It is also my last week off before starting summer school next week.  I could have done without that realization!  Oh well, it is only five weeks.  It will go quickly.
We had a fun evening with friends tonight – pizza, fireworks and ice cream.  Good, clean, adult fun.  
Carrollton, the city adjacent to us is turning 100.  To celebrate they had a fireworks display tonight.  We sat in the park and watched the ten minute display.  It wasn’t the fourth of July, but it was fun to see.  It was really humid tonight so the smoke was hanging in the air.  That did not make for an ideal photography situation, but I got a dew respectable shots.  They will certainly serve to document our evening with friends.

Welcome, June!

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