15/365 Nuts

15/365 Nuts

“Bur Oak Trio in the Snow”
To our surprise, we awoke to a light dusting of snow his morning.  It was the kind of snow that was really pretty.  The kind that makes the leaves glisten.  The kind that makes everything seem more quiet than it really is.  There were some overpasses on the highways that were icy, but for the most part the roads were clear.
To me these bur oak acorns look like little faces all bundled up in their winter caps.  It was a perfect image to capture a snowy morning in Dallas and remain faithful to the day’s prompt – nuts.  There were so many ways that one could go with this.
Because we had not expected a snowy morning, I had planned to walk to school this morning.  Though it was cold, the wind was calm so it didn’t feel that cold.  I had a wonderful walk.  It was nice to be outside getting some exercise and looking at all of the places where the snow had collected and was still undisturbed.  
I was particularly taken by this snow-lined tangle of branches that I passed on my way.
By the time I walked home this afternoon, all of the snow was gone.  I’m glad that I was out and about early this morning.
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